Benz O 405 Series

Photographs of O
405 are sorted into the following entries:
O 405s in Tirana (1 page)
Surfside Buslines O 405s (1 page)
Sydney Buses O
405 Sydney Explorers (1 page)
Sydney Buses PMC
bodied O 405s (1 page)
O 405s (1 page)
Westbus O 405s
(1 page)
Westbus O 405
with Bus2000 livery (1 page)
Autobus Oberbayern O 405s (1 page)
Garmisch-Partenkirchen O 405s (1 page)
Lahrmann O 405s (1 page)
VBB O 405s (1 page)
Hong Kong
Discovery Bay Transport Services Limited O 405s (1 page)
Connex O 405s (1 page)
Singapore Bus Services
/ SBS Transit
Alexander PS bodied air-conditioned O 405s (13 pages)
Singapore Bus Services / SBS Transit Duple Metsec bodied O 405s
(28 pages)
Singapore Bus Services / SBS Transit Duple Metsec bodied
CAC O 405s (9 pages)
SBS Leisure O 405s (1 page)
Trans Island Bus
Services O 405s (8 pages)
TIBS Volgren bodied O 405s (1 page)
SMRT Bus Hispano
bodied O 405s
(30 pages)
SMRT Bus Hispano
bodied converted air conditioned O 405s
(10 pages)
SMRT Bus Volgren
bodied O 405s (2 pages)
TMB Hispano VOV bodied O 405s (1 page)
BMTA O 405s (1 page)
United Kingdom
Arriva O 405s (1 page)
First Group O 405s (1 page)
Photographs of O
405 G are sorted into the following entries:
Hamburger Hochbahn O 405 Gs (4 pages)
O 405Gs in Frankfurt Airport
(1 page)
Egged O 405Gs (1 page)
Ex-SWM-Verkehrsbetriebe O 405G in Russia (1 page)
Singapore Bus Services O 405 G (1 page)
SMRT Buses Hispano Mk 1 bodied O 405Gs
(8 pages)
SMRT Buses Hispano Mk 2 bodied O 405Gs
(3 pages)
SMRT Buses Volgren bodied O 405Gs (1
SMRT Buses Hispano Habit bodied O 405Gs
(17 pages)
Trans Island Bus Services O 405 Gs (3 pages)
O 405Gs in Lucerne (1 page)
BMTA O 405Gs
(1 page)
Photographs of O
405 NHs are sorted into the following entries:
Surfside Bustech bodied single-doored O 405
NHs (1 page)
Surfside Bustech bodied dual-doored O 405
NHs (1 page)
Westbus Custom bodied O 405 NHs (1 page)
Sydney Buses Custom bodied O 405 NHs (1
Sydney Buses Ansair bodied O 405 NH airport buses
(1 page)
National Bus
Company Custom bodied O 405 NHs (1 page)
Freemantle Cats (1 page)
Perth Cats (1 page)
Transperth O 405 NHs with 900
series livery (1 page)
Transperth O 405 NHs (1 page)
Photographs of O
405 N1s are sorted into the following entries:
Schnellbus O 405 N1s (3 pages)
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe O 405 N1s (2 pages)
Hamburger Hochbahn O 405 N1s (1 page)
SWM O 405 N1s (1 page)
Flughaven Muenchen O 405 N1s (1 page)
Photographs of O
405 N2s are sorted into the following entries:
Frankfurt International Airport O 405N2s
(1 page)
Hamburg Airport O 405 N2s (1 page)
Hamburger Hochbahn O 405 N2s (1 page)
Schnellbus O 405 N2s (1 page)
VBB O 405 N2s (1 page)
Uestra O 405 N2s (1 page)
RVO O 405 N2s (1 page)
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe O 405 N2s (1 page)
International Airport O 405N2s
(1 page)
Photographs of O
405 GNs are sorted into the following entries:
Hamburger Hochbahn O 405 GNs
SWM-Verkehrsbetriebe O 405 GNs
Photographs of O
405 GN2s are sorted into the following entries:
Verkehrsbetriebe O 405 GN2s (1 page)
Regio Bus O 405GN2s (1 page)
VBB O 405GN2s (1 page)
ViP Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH
O 405GN2s (1 page)
Note: You are
free to adopt any text or photograph for non-moneymaking activities. You
may set the photographs as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you are not
allowed to post the text or photographs on the net without Anthony Lui's
O 405s
Singapore Bus
Services bought a total of 700 Mercedes Benz O 405s in 1990. The chassis
were made in Mainheim, Germany. Of which,
100 with Alexander PS non-airconditioned bodywork,
200 with Duple Metsec non-airconditioned bodywork,
100 with Alexander PS air-conditioned bodywork, and
300 with Duple Metsec air-conditioned bodywork.
These buses can
be seen in every part of the country and play a very crucial role. Most of
the non-airconditioned buses have been converted to air-conditioned buses.
On the other
hand, Trans Island Bus Services also bought large numbers of Volgren and Hispano
bodied O 405s. Some of them were not air-conditioned in the beginning. By
2002, all buses in the fleet are fitted with air-conditioners.
Discovery Bay Bus
Services of Hong Kong also bought a number of O 405s. They have all been
In Australia,
Sydney Buses has a large fleet of O 405s, in both dual-purpose and bus
O 405 Gs
Articulated buses
were very common in European countries, but it was new to Singapore. On 1
January 1997, Singapore Bus Services purchased a Volgren bodied Mercedes
Benz O 405 G. This bus has been exported to New Zealand. Trans Island Bus Services
purchased big numbers of O 405Gs with Hispano and Volgren body.
O 405 NHs
Diesel and
compressed natural gas are options of choice of fuels for O 405 NHs in
Australia. Buses are welded together with the front and the rear of the O
O 405 N1s / O 405
It is the
compressed natural gas version of the O 405. It was denoted O 405 N by the
manufactuerer, but N1 is shown here so that it is easier to distinguish
this model and the O 405 N2.
O 405 N2s / O 405
This is the refined version of the O 405 N1s in Germany. It has non-step area and deeper window. It is welcomed by many European operators.
of O 405s
of O 405 Gs
of O 405 NHs
of O 405 N1s
of O 405 N2s
of O 405 GNs
Photographs of O 405 GN2s
Return to Mercedes
Page created: 15
January 2001
Last updated: 4
November 2012