Volvo B7TL Photographs (Page 2)

The photographs and text below belong to Anthony Lui. You may set it as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you must seek Anthony Lui's prior permission and state the source before you place any of the pictures on the WWW or show it in public. Self-discipline is expected as I do not put my name in the pictures so as to retain its originality.

East Lancashire Coachbuilders Mylennium Vyking bodied B7TLs

Photo courtesy: David Ashworth

This Mylennium Vyking bodied B7TL was waiting to be delivered at East Lancs factory.

Musterphantom 755 (HX51ZRG, YV3S2G6152A001848) had H46/27F seating configuration.

The Republic of Island was also a big buyer of the B7TL. The above two photos showed an example to Bus Eireann.

Yorkshire Traction 905 (YM02CLY, YV3S2G6162A002197) was seen at passenger service. It was fitted with high backed seats. (CH47/29F)

London General EVL20 (PN02KCF, YV3S2G5142A001986) was photographed when it was new. It had H45/23D configuration.

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Page created: 28 June 2009