Dennis Dragon 12m Photographs (Page 7)

The photographs and text below belong to Anthony Lui. You may set it as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you must seek Anthony Lui's permission and state the source before you place any of the pictures on the WWW or show it in public. Self-discipline is expected as I do not put my name in the pictures so as to retain its originality.

CCTV for exits of Dragons

In early 1990s, there were several accidents involving the exits of buses of Kowloon Motor Bus, resulting in one or two deaths and many injuries. The reason for such accidents was because the drivers closed the exit door(s) and the bus started moving before the alighting passenger has left the bus completely. To avoid such accident , KMB experimented several features on its buses, including the CCTV monitoring the movement of passengers at the exit(s). However, the idea was not accepted eventually and only a lamp with buzzer warning passengers not to get off when the door closes was installed.

About 10 buses participated in the experiment circa 1995. Most of them were Guy Victory 2s because most of these accidents happened on this type. KMB also installed some cameras in some 12m Dragons serving 6C.

This picture was taken on 5 March 2000, showing the lens of the system in 3N95 (DJ6711). Note that one lens serves two exits.

This picture was taken on 4 March 2000, showing the position of the monitor. It is a B/W screen.

Dragons fitted with CCTV

From top to bottom:
3N37 (DC4304, DDA604-141), Mei Foo Bus Terminus, 18 March 2000
3N60 (DD7178, DDA605-150), Kowloon City Ferry Terminus, 21 May 2000
3N62 (DD8146, DDA605-147), Kowloon City Ferry Terminus, 11 December 2000
3N95 (DA6711, DDA607-198), Mei Foo Bus Terminus, 18 March 2000

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Page created: 11 June 2000

Last updated: 22 June 2003