Bus of Five State Dragon FDG6920G


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The FDG6110G is a 11-metre hybrid bus developed by the company. Electricity is used when the bus is started up and when brakes is applied. Diesel is used when the bus accelerates. Cost of this bus is about 10% higher than conventional diesel bus but fuel consumption is reduced by 15-30%.

Sociedade de Transportes Colletivos de Macau SARL purchased a total of 25 hybrid buses, including the 11m FDG6110G and the 9.2m FDG 6920G in 2005. The first FDG6110G entered service in late November 2005.

Chassis Type: FDG6110G
Length: 11080mm
Width: 2480mm
Height: 3180mm
Gross Vehicle Weight: 16000kg
Engine Power: 177kW
Passenger Capacity: B35D

Chassis Type: FDG6920G
Length: 9220mm
Width: 2400mm
Height: 3080mm
Gross Vehicle Weight: 12000kg
Engine Power: 132kW
Passenger Capacity: B27D


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Page created: 25 October 2008