Mercedes Benz O 305 double deck Photographs (Page 2)

The photographs and text below belong to Anthony Lui. You may set it as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you must seek Anthony Lui's permission and state the source before you place any of the pictures on the WWW or show it in public. Self-discipline is expected as I do not put my name in the pictures so as to retain its originality.

Details of ME28 (DG 5010, 044400)

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ME28 started its journey towards Sheung Shui From Jordan Road Ferry Terminus on 4 April 2000.

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This picture of starboard side of ME28 was taken on 20 January 2000.

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This is the main switch cover of ME28. It was photographed on 12 August 1999.

The photograph above was taken on 20 January 1999 and those below were taken on 17 August 1999.

Seats are mounted near emergency exit. Would they block the exit?

Please view the lower deck details from the back to the front.

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Page created: 15 January 2001