Dennis Dragon 12m Photographs (Page 45)

The photographs and text below belong to Anthony Lui. You may set it as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you must seek Anthony Lui's permission and state the source before you place any of the pictures on the WWW or show it in public. Self-discipline is expected as I do not put my name in the pictures so as to retain its originality.

DDA1701 Dragons (Page 5)

From top to bottom:
3N158 (DK2508, DDA1701-273), Ma Tau Wai Road, 19 May 2001
3N158 (DK2508, DDA1701-273), Tai Hom Road, 2001
3N159 (DK3084, DDA1701-270), Ma Tau Wai Road, April 1993
3N160 (DK3149, DDA1701-258), Jordan Road, 2 June 2001
3N161 (DK3592, DDA1701-266), Ping Shek Terminus, 30 April 2001

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Page created: 5 September 2001

Last updated: 22 June 2003