Dennis Dart SLF Photographs (Page 21)

The photographs and text below belong to Anthony Lui. You may set it as the wallpaper in your PC. However, you must seek Anthony Lui's permission and state the source before you place any of the pictures on the WWW or show it in public. Self-discipline is expected as I do not put my name in the pictures so as to retain its originality.

Interior details of a 10.1m New World First Bus Dart SLF

The pictures below were taken on 7 July 2000 in 2066.

Interior18.JPG (114058 bytes)

Interior19.JPG (114843 bytes)

Interior14.JPG (90527 bytes)

Note the positions of emergency door switch and driver identification plate.

Interior16.JPG (99224 bytes)

Space for pram is provided between the two overwheel seats.

Interior13.JPG (45020 bytes)

Interior15.JPG (95783 bytes)

These two pictures show the arrangement of wheelchair parking area and foldable chairs.

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Page created: 9 July 2000

Last updated: 31 January 2001